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  • 28/01/2020 - Release of the operative part. The Plenary of the Constitutional Court unanimously declares the termination of the enforcement proceedings filed by the Government against the agreements of the Bureau of the Catalonian Parliament that insisted once again on the goal of Independence

  • 28/01/2020 - Release of the operative part. The Plenary of the Constitutional Court unanimously withdraws testimony to the public prosecutor to investigate if criminal actions may be initiated for a posible offence of disobedience that was committed for processing a resolution that insisted on self-determination

  • 22/01/2020 - The Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court unanimously considers that the preventive detention of Carme Forcadell issued by the Supreme Court is based on the legitimate aim of avoiding the risk of escape

  • 22/01/2020 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court dismisses the appeal for amparo filed by Jordi Sanchez against the rejection issued by the Supreme Court to allow him to personally attend his inauguration

  • 21/01/2020 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court considers that the measure of preventive detention ordered by the Supreme Court against Jordi Sanchez respects the proportionality principle and responds to a constitutionally legitimate purpose

  • 20/01/2020 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court unanimously orders the Supreme Court to hear the convicted assailants of the Blanquerna Cultural Centre because their right to obtain the effective protection of the judges has been damaged

  • 17/01/2020 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court unanimously rejects the appeal for amparo filed by Puigdemont et al against the decision of the Supreme Court that prevented Turull from going to the Parliament for his inauguration as President because the judicial process had not been exhausted

  • 26/12/2019 - El Pleno del TC por unanimidad declara extintos por pérdida sobrevenida del objeto los incidentes de ejecución de sentencia promovidos por el Gobierno de España contras las resoluciones del Parlament que insistían en la independencia

  • 29/11/2019 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court unanimously agrees on the joining of two members of the Bureau of the Parliament of Catalonia and 32 deputies of this Parliament to the enforcement proceedings concerning the latest agreements that condemn King Felipe VI

  • 28/11/2019 - RELEASE OF THE OPERATIVE PART. The Plenary of the Constitutional Court dismisses the amparo appeal filed by Orio Junqueras, first, against the decision of the Supreme Court that ordered his preventive detention, and second, against the violation of his right to political participation and representation