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  • 13/07/2018 - The Constitutional Court endorses the right of local authorities to receive advance payments from the treasury of the autonomous communities

  • 12/07/2018 - The Constitutional Court declares that autonomous communities are the legally entitled organs to provide to nurses the professional qualifications required to prescribe medicines and medical devices

  • 26/06/2018 - The Constitutional Court declares that using full names as a search and location parameters in digital newspapers archives may violate the "right to be forgotten"

  • 22/06/2018 - The Constitutional Court upholds the legality of imposing criminal and administrative sanctions to drivers of motor vehicles who lack a licence or an authorisation or do not hold the specific one

  • 22/06/2018 - The Constitutional Court declares the supervening lack of object of the request to suspend the resolution dated 22 January 2018, which proposed to invest Puigdemont as president of Catalonia

  • 20/06/2018 - The Constitutional Court upholds the constitutionality of the law adopted by Castilla-La Mancha on measures for the protection of health and the environment concerning hydraulic fracturing

  • 07/06/2018 - The Constitutional Court dismisses by unanimity the appeal brought by Puigdemont against the central Government´s challenge concerning his investiture for the presidency of the Government of Catalonia

  • 06/06/2018 - The Constitutional Court grants leave to proceed to the appeal brought by Ciudadanos against the resolutions of the Parliament of Catalonia that allowed to process the law proposal on the referendum on self-determination

  • 06/06/2018 - The Constitutional Court grants leave to proceed to the appeal brought by Turull and Rull against the Supreme Court´s decision to maintain their remand detention

  • 05/06/2018 - The Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court calls on the Government of Catalonia to submit its arguments in several pending appeals of unconstitutionality stalled due to the enforcement of article 155 of the Constitution