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The Court Building


La sede del Tribunal



The Constitutional Court is based in Madrid:

Doménico Scarlatti Street, No. 6
28003 – Madrid, Spain


  • Phone number: (34) 915 508 000


General Registry of the Constitutional Court

The presentation of paper documents in the General Registry of the Court may be made in the days and times specified below:

Every day, even during the month of August, from 09:30 to 15:00, except on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, public holidays of the Autonomous Region and the Municipality of Madrid, as well as 24th and 31st December (calendar of public holidays).

It is recalled that August is excluded for the purposes of calculating the deadline period for lodging an Amparo appeal ( functioning rules on holidays.).

The Court Registry is located at Doménico Scarlatti Street, No. 6 (28003 – Madrid).