The following page only contains the translated press releases. You can find all the press releases published by the Court in their original version on the website. Click here to see all the press releases (Spanish) Title YearDateFromFromToTo Number Latests press releases Listen Creando documento PDF × Preparando la impresión... 07/05/2020 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court unanimously accepts the question of unconstitutionality filed by the Supreme Court against the sanctions to the Media for not respecting the election campaign period Press release 54/2020 06/05/2020 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court unanimously accepts the appeal of unconstitutionality filed by the Government and suspends several provisions of the Decree-Law 2/2020 on the boost of the productive activity in Andalusia Press release 53/2020 06/05/2020 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court unanimously accepts the appeal for amparo filed by Jordi Turull against the agreement taken by the Bureau of the Congress that suspended his remuneration, among other measures Press release 52/2020 06/05/2020 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court unanimously accepts the appeals for amparo filed by Borràs and Mundó against the judgment issued by the Supreme Court that convicted them for disobedience Press release 51/2020 06/05/2020 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court unanimously accepts the appeals for amparo filed by Cuixart, Forn, Rull, Turull, Sanchez, Bassa and Forcadell against the judgment issued by the Supreme Court that convicted them for commiting sedition Press release 50/2020 06/05/2020 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court unanimously accepts the appeals of unconstitutionality filed by parliamentary groups PP and Vox against the second final provision of Royal Decree 8/2020 approving the incorporation of the Government´s Vice-President Pablo Iglesias as part of the delegate commission of the National Intelligence Centre Press release 49/2020 See all