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  • 19/11/2018 - The Constitutional Court will examine the amparo appeal filed by Jové Lladó against the decisión of the Provincial Court of Barcelona which rejected his motion to disqualify the judge hearing his case

  • 12/11/2018 - The Constitutional Court will not examine the electoral appeal brought by the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain because the judicial action filed is not the suitable one

  • 12/11/2018 - The Constitutional Court will not examine the electoral appeal brought by the Communist Party of the Peoples of Spain because the judicial action filed is not the suitable one

  • 18/10/2018 - The Constitutional Court considers that the regulation of "Administrative Silence" in the Aragonese Transparency Law invades State competences

  • 02/10/2018 - The Constitutional Court dismisses the appeal of unconstitutionality of Unidos Podemos against Law 2/2016 of Aragon, which regulates the tax on wáter pollution

  • 28/09/2018 - The second quadrilateral meeting between the Constitutional Courts of Spain, Portugal, Italy and France focuses on the fight against terrorism BETWEEN THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURTS OF SPAIN, PORTUGAL, ITALY AND FRANCE FOCUSES ON THE FIGHT AGAINST TERRORISM

  • 27/09/2018 - The Constitutional Court maintains the suspensión of Catalan Law 2/2018, which allows, inter alia, for the remote investiture of the President of the Government of Catalonia

  • 27/09/2018 - The Constitutional Court refuses to suspend the pretrial detention messure, without bail, issued against Carme Forcadell

  • 27/09/2018 - The Constitutional Court manintains the suspension of article 20.6, contained in Catalan Law 18/2017 on Trade, Services and Fairs, concerning sales

  • 26/09/2018 - The Constitutional Court declares the unconstitutionality and invalidity of the Catalan Law on associations of cannabis consumers