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Information updated on 24/10/2024

Subsidies, scholarships and prizes

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Specific subsidy granted to the Association of the Constitutional Court´s Lawyers

The allocations contained in Chapter 4 of the Constitutional Court's budget (current expenditure) include those relating to the specific subsidy granted to the Association of the Constitutional Court’s Lawyers. This grant, which has been included as such in the Court's budgets since 1997, amounted to EUR 24 000 in 2009, and subsequently decreased to EUR 20 000 in 2011, to reach EUR 18 000 as from 2013.

Through this grant, the expenses derived from the organization of the annual working meetings organized by the Association in question are financed. The obligations that the Association will assume in receiving this grant are as follows:

  • To certify to the Constitutional Court that these activities have been carried out, by providing the documents, communications and proceedings of the corresponding conferences, in order to be published by the Constitutional Court, if it deems it appropriate, in the form of a summary report.
  • To abide by the auditing operations that may be decided by the Constitutional Court and those that, if any, may be relevant, in accordance with the General Budget Act and the General Subsidies Act.
  • To certify to the Constitutional Court that the amount of the subsidy granted does not exceed, independently or in parallel with the subsidies or aids of other public administrations, or other national or international public or private entities, the cost of the activities that, in accordance with its statutes, the Association of Lawyers performs during the tax year.

As part of the commitments undertaken and for the purposes expressed above, the Association will provide, for each working year, the documentation to attest to the expenses arising from the activities for which the grant is intended.


Chapter 4 of the budget of the Constitutional Court also provides for the financing of periodic training grants. Since 2002, the Court has convened several training sessions in different areas related to its administrative activities. In 2020, scholarships were awarded for comparative constitutional law and the Court’s international activity, library and documentation services, and constitutional doctrine. In 2021, a scholarship was awarded for library and documentation services and in 2022, more scholarships were called for constitutional doctrine, comparative constitutional law and the Court’s international activity, as well as library, archive and documentation services.

The calls are made on a competitive basis and in accordance with the principles of publicity, transparency, equality and non-discrimination, with an allocation of €1,150 per month for internships before 2021 and of €1,200 for 2021 and 2022. They are granted for a twelve-month period which may be extended in accordance with the terms and conditions of the corresponding calls.

Below there are links to the most recent resolutions on calls for applications and the allocation of training grants:

  • Resolutions dated 28 September 2020, adopted by the General Secretariat of the Constitutional Court, calling for training scholarships in the following fields (B.O.E. of 8.10.2020): A training scholarship in library science and documentation related to the bibliographic collections of the Constitutional Court
  • Resolution dated 23 December 2020, adopted by the General Secretariat of the Constitutional Court, granting a training scholarship in library science and documentation related to the bibliographic collections of the Constitutional Court (B.O.E. of 4.1.2021).
  • Resolution dated 31 May 2021, adopted by the General Secretariat of the Constitutional Court, calling for a training scholarship in library science and documentation related to the bibliographic collections of the Constitutional Court (B.O.E. of 9.6.2021).
  • Resolution dated 11 November 2021, adopted by the General Secretariat of the Constitutional Court, granting a training scholarship in library science and documentation related to the bibliographic collections of the Constitutional Court (B.O.E. of 20.11.2021).
  • Resolution dated 2 March 2022, adopted by the General Secretariat of the Constitutional Court, calling for training scholarships in research and legal analysis of constitutional doctrine
  • Resolution dated 1 June 2022, adopted by the General Secretariat of the Constitutional Court, granting training scholarships in research and legal analysis of constitutional doctrine
  • Resolution dated 2 March 2022, adopted by the General Secretariat of the Constitutional Court, calling for a training scholarship for tasks related to comparative constitutional law and the international activity of the Constitutional Court.
  • Resolution dated 15 June 2022, adopted by the General Secretariat of the Constitutional Court, granting a training scholarship for tasks related to comparative constitutional law and the international activity of the Constitutional Court.
  • Resolution dated 3 February 2022, adopted by the General Secretariat of the Constitutional Court, calling for training scholarships in documentary and archive management related to the documentary collections of the Constitutional Court.
  • Resolution dated 15 July 2022, adopted by the General Secretariat of the Constitutional Court, granting training scholarships in documentary and archive management related to the documentary collections of the Constitutional Court.
  • Resolution dated 20 May 2022, adopted by the General Secretariat of the Constitutional Court, calling for a training scholarship in library science and documentation related to the bibliographic collections of the Constitutional Court

The Francisco Tomás y Valiente Prize for research on the Constitution and constitutional justice

Following an agreement signed on 12 April 1996, the Constitutional Court and the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies decided to create the "Francisco Tomás y Valiente" Prize, which rewards research on the Constitution and constitutional justice every two years. This prize is accompanied by a funding envelope of 12,000 euros, financed equally by these two institutions.

The aforementioned prize is currently regulated by the Protocol signed between the Constitutional Court and the Centre for Constitutional Studies regarding the announcement and award of the "Francisco Tomás y Valiente" Prize, of 4 May 2020, and Order PCM/984/2020, of 19 October, approving the regulatory basis for the award of the "Francisco Tomás y Valiente" Prize by the Constitutional Court and the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies (BOE no. 279, of 22 October).

Please find below the links to the most recent decisions concerning the calling of the contest and the awarding of prizes: