Administrative functions of the Presidency
The President of the Court is responsible, among others, of the following functions of management and administration:
- a) Convene and determine the agenda of the meetings of the plenary and the Governing Board, conduct its deliberations and implement the resolutions adopted;
- b) ) Convene competition to fill places Corps of Clerks of the Constitutional Court;
- c) To approve the public call to fill the position of Manager, appoint the proposed and have the agreement of the plenary, his dismissal and reinstatement to his administration of origin;
- d) To approve the public call to fill the remaining positions that should be covered by the procedure of free designation, proceed with the appointment of the proposed and provide prior agreement of the Governing Board, the dismissal and reinstatement to his administration of origin of those they had been appointed by this procedure;
- e) Appoint Counsel, at the proposal of the Selection Board, are to be integrated into that body or on a proposal of the Plenum of the Constitutional Court, to be added to it in temporary secondment;
- f) To appoint, upon election by the plenary, the Secretary General and, where appropriate, the Deputy Secretary General;
- g) To appoint the Auditor to serve the Court and provide for its termination, in accordance, all with the agreements of the Plenary;
- h) To convene the contests to provide places of officials and workforce and encourage the provision of service fees to cover, where appropriate, career officials spaces;
- i) To appoint the assigned officials and temporary staff, have their cease and authorize the hiring in labor regime;
- j) To authorize support in the exercise of the Court outside the service by members of the same activities;
- k) Promote and, where appropriate, exercise disciplinary authority;
- l) To exercise the functions of the contracting authority, which may delegate to the Secretary-General;
- m) To exercise the highest authority on the Security Forces of the State serving at the headquarters of the Tribunal;
- n) Arranging coming on access to the seat of the Tribunal and stay in it of any person;
- o) Provide guidelines and orders necessary for the operation of the security service of the Court;
- p) Provide relevant guidelines and orders for the operation of the vehicle fleet of the Court, notwithstanding the reliance on drivers of authority in whose service the vehicle is available and appropriate to the State Vehicle Fleet.
In case of vacancy, absence or illness, the President shall be substituted by the Vice President and, being this not possible, by the most senior judge and, in case of equal seniority, by the eldest.
The Cabinet Office
The Presidency is assisted by a Cabinet whose head is discretionally appointed by the President. The Chief of the Cabinet Office of the Presidency is responsible for the following functions:
- a) Direct the Private Secretariat of the President;
- b) Organize and keep the archives of the Presidency, without prejudice to the provisions of this Regulation on the General Archive;
- c) Collect and process general information deemed of interest for use of members of the Tribunal;
- d) Address the relations of the Court with the media, provide that apply when information on the functions and actions of the Tribunal is to collect and keep updated, in this connection, the institutional portal of the Tribunal;
- e) Provide appropriate instructions in order to protocol and take care of the organization of such proceedings and institutional visits take place at the seat of the Court;
- f) Any other specific tasks that may be assigned by the President.