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Powers of the Constitutional Court

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The Constitutional Court, as supreme interpreter of the Constitution, is independent of other constitutional organs of the State and is subject only to the Constitution and its Organic Law. It is unique in its order and its jurisdiction extends throughout the national territory.

The Constitutional Court deals, among other matters:

  • a) appeals and the question of unconstitutionality against laws, regulatory provisions or acts with the force of law of the State and the Autonomous Communities;
  • b) the preliminary appeal of unconstitutionality against projects and proposals for reform of Regional Autonomy Charters;
  • c) appeals and issue tax against provincial laws of the provinces of Alava, Guipuzcoa and Vizcaya;
  • d) the amparo for violation of fundamental rights listed in Articles 14 to 30 of the Constitution;
  • e) constitutional conflicts of jurisdiction between the State and the Autonomous Communities or among them;
  • f) Conflicts between constitutional organs of the State;
  • g) Conflicts in defense of local autonomy;
  • h) Conflicts in defense of the provincial autonomy;
  • i) Declaration on the constitutionality of international treaties;
  • j) challenges of provisions and resolutions of the organs of the Autonomous Communities provided for in Article 161.2 of the Constitution;
  • k) The auditing of the appointment of the judges of the Constitutional Court to judge whether they meet the requirements required by the Constitution and its Organic Law;
  • l) Of other materials that attribute the Constitution and organic laws.

The Constitutional Court may issue regulations on the operation and organization, as well as the regime of its staff and services, which are to be published in the Official Gazette.