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Most requested information

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Requests for access to information, which are summarized in the "Approved Resolutions" section of the Court's Web page, covered a wide range of topics, the most frequently reported being the following: (a) Information on the presentation, progress and resolution of certain constitutional proceedings; (b) Information on the list of positions of the Court and the professional references, remuneration and/or status of its current magistrates, emeritus magistrates and personnel assigned to the services of the Court; (c) Information and legal advice to promote the presentation of appeals, ordinary judicial proceedings or constitutional proceedings; (d) Information and statistical data on the different constitutional proceedings; e) Information on institutional or commemorative events; f) Information on the identification and conditions of use of decisions of the Constitutional Court; g) Information on the anonymisation of personal data in decisions of the Constitutional Court; h) Information on access to press releases of the Constitutional Court; i) Information on existing constitutional case-law on certain issues; j) Authorization for the reproduction of existing photographs in the archives of the Constitutional Court.

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, one of the most frequently raised issues is the question concerning the presentation, progress and resolution of certain constitutional procedures. However, it should be reminded that the right of access to public information, which is governed by Law 19/2013, dated December 9th, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, is provided exclusively in the context of the activities of the Court subject to administrative law (art. 2.1 (f) of Law 19/2013). Thus, this right to information does not extend to information on the presentation, progress, suspension or termination, as well as actions and documents relating to the various constitutional procedures of which the Constitutional Court is aware in the exercise of its judicial function. Such requests shall be addressed, through the corresponding procedural representative, to the clerks of the Constitutional Court.