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  • 24/05/2016 - The TC grants leave to proceed to the competence conflicts filed by Andalusia and Aragón against the rule regulating drug dispensation by nurses.

  • 24/05/2016 - The TC grants leave to proceed to the unconstitutionality appeal filed by the Government of the Basque Country against the Act to promote food quality.

  • 18/05/2016 - The TC grants leave to proceed to the unconstitutionality appeals filed by Andalusia and Aragon against the reform Hills Act.

  • 18/05/2016 - The TC unanimously endorses the constitutionality of the financing of the Valencian Regional foreseen in the 2016 Act on General State Budgts.

  • 11/05/2016 - Jurisdiccional control over declared states of alert is entrusted to the Constitucional Court.

  • 09/05/2016 - The TC dimisses the appeal brought by teh Government of the Canary Islands against the Act State Action and Foreign Service.

  • 06/05/2016 - The TC repeals the Act regulating the economic marital regime of Valencia, as it invades State competence in civil legislation matters.

  • 06/05/2016 - The TC annuls a section of the Generalitat's Budget Act, allowing an increase in public expense related to staff, which is forbidden by the State.

  • 03/05/2016 - The TC grants leave to proceed to the Government's appeal againt the Act of the Basque Conuntry regulating the use of "fracking".

  • 03/05/2016 - The TC grants leave to proceed to the appeal brought by the Catalonian Government against teh Act Regulating the Spanish Civil Protection System.