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  • 25/10/2017 - The Constitutional Court grants leave to proceed to the Government appeal against the Law on measures to protect the right to housing of persons at risk of residential exclusión in Catalonia

  • 25/10/2017 - The Constitutional Court grants leave to proceed to the Government´s appeal against the law on digital wills and on the modification of the Second and Fourth Books of the Civil Code of Catalonia

  • 24/10/2017 - The Constitutional Court grants leave to proceed to the Government´s appeal against the law regulating the Catalan Agency for Social Protection

  • 17/10/2017 - The TC declares the referendum act unconstitutional and null and void, advising that "a public power that expressly refuses to follow the law is in turn depriving itself of any binding authority"

  • 11/10/2017 - The Constitutional Court grants leave to proceed to the Government´s appeal against the Aragonese law on emergency measures concerning the benefits of the public system of social services and Access to housing

  • 28/09/2017 - The Constitutional Court grants leave to proceed to the Government´s appeal against the Catalan tax law on non-productive assets of legal entities

  • 28/09/2017 - The Constitutional Court grants leave to proceed to the appeal brought by the Government of Catalonia against the extensión of the program for employment training

  • 28/09/2017 - The Constitutional Court grants leave to proceed to appeal brought by the Government against the Valencian law regulating the appointment of Senators of that autonomous community

  • 21/09/2017 - The Constitutional Court, by unanimity, sets penalty payments to be imposed on senior officials of the Government of Catalonia in charge of organizing the referendum until they abide by the decisions of the Court

  • 21/09/2017 - The Constitutional Court sets, by unanimity, penalti payments to be imposed to members of the suspended electoral institutions until they abide by the rulings of the Court