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  • 05/03/2020 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court accepts the appeal for amparo filed by Junqueras and Romeva against the refusal of the Supreme Court to request the Congress and the Seante to lift thir parliamentay inmmunity to facilitate prosecution

  • 03/03/2020 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court accepts the appeals for unconstitutionality filed by the Government of the Generalitat and the Parliament of Catalonia against the Decree-Law 14/2019, on urgent measures in digital administration

  • 03/03/2020 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court rejects the appeal for amparo filed by Jaume Cabré et al. against the decision of the Supreme Court to suspend Jordi Sanchez, Josep Rull, Jordi Turull, Puigdemont, Romeva and Junqueras from their public office due to their lack of standing

  • 03/03/2020 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court upholds the application of article 384 bis of the Spanish Criminal Procedure Act by which Jordi Sanchez, Josep Rull, Jordi Turull, Puigdemont, Romeva y Junqueras were suspended from their public office

  • 02/03/2020 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court upholds the Supreme Court's decision by which Jordi Sanchez was denied several inmate furloughs to personally attend a few rallies organised during the election campaign

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