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Press releases

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  • 27/04/2016 - The TC partly lifts the interim suspension of the Act reforming the Catalonian Consumer Code.

  • 25/04/2016 - The TC declares the unconstitutionality of the Act forbidding "fracking" in Catalonia.

  • 19/04/2016 - The TC annuls the reform of the General Subsidy Act, approved by Decree, because the Government did not sufficiently justify is urgency.

  • 15/04/2016 - The TC grants leave to proceed to the appeal brought by the "Podemos" Parliamentary Group against the reform of the Madrid Land Act.

  • 15/04/2016 - The TC grants leave to proceed to the Government´s appeal against the Housing Act of the Basque Country.

  • 15/04/2016 - The TC grants leave to proceed to the appeal brought by the Catalonian Government against the Royal Decree regulating Primary School final evaluation exams.

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