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Press releases

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  • 28/09/2017 - The Constitutional Court grants leave to proceed to appeal brought by the Government against the Valencian law regulating the appointment of Senators of that autonomous community

  • 21/09/2017 - The Constitutional Court, by unanimity, sets penalty payments to be imposed on senior officials of the Government of Catalonia in charge of organizing the referendum until they abide by the decisions of the Court

  • 21/09/2017 - The Constitutional Court sets, by unanimity, penalti payments to be imposed to members of the suspended electoral institutions until they abide by the rulings of the Court

  • 20/09/2017 - The Constitutional Court declares the invalidness of the decisiones taken by the bureau of the Parliament of Catalonia allowing the vote of the laws on the referendum and the legal transition, and the behaviour of the Catalan Parliament´s president to the prosecutor

  • 13/09/2017 - The Constitutional Court dismisses the appeal brought by the President of the Parliament of Catalonia and confirms the outright rejection of the request to disqualify all the magistrates

  • 13/09/2017 - The Constitutional Court has set a 48-hour deadline for the electoral institution of Catalonia to inform about the measures it has adopted in order to implement the suspensión of Resolution 807/XI by the Parliament of Catalonia

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