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Press releases

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  • 27/09/2018 - The Constitutional Court manintains the suspension of article 20.6, contained in Catalan Law 18/2017 on Trade, Services and Fairs, concerning sales

  • 26/09/2018 - The Constitutional Court declares the unconstitutionality and invalidity of the Catalan Law on associations of cannabis consumers

  • 26/09/2018 - The Constitutional Court refuses to give permission to appeal to a unión representative from the public televisión of Madrid

  • 25/09/2018 - The Constitutional Court lifts the suspensive veto on the parliamentary processing of the law proposal on the dismantling of nuclear power plants, brought by Unidos Podemos

  • 25/09/2018 - The Constitutional Court denies to grant leave to the question of unconstitutionality against Decree-Law 3/2017, on multilingualism in the Valencian regional schools, due to procedural defects

  • 21/09/2018 - The Constitutional Court grants leave to proceed to the action of unconstitutionality brought by the Partido Popular Party in the Senate against Valencian Law 8/2018, on the Regional Public Health Service

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