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  • 30/01/2019 - The Constitutional Court communicates on the last procedural document concerning M. Junqueras, stressing the complexity and relevance of the appeal HE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT COMMUNICATES ON THE LAST PROCEDURAL DOCUMENT CONCERNING M. JUNQUERAS, STRESSING THE COMPLEXITY AND RELEVANCE OF THE APPEAL

  • 25/01/2019 - The Constitutional Court upholds the different legal regime of the judicial acts of notice and of the actual notification of judgments

  • 23/01/2019 - The Constitutional Court declares the unconstitutionality of the electronic general register of last wills of Catalonia

  • 21/01/2019 - The Constitutional Court will examine the amparo appeal filed by Puigdemont against the decision of the Supreme Court that suspended him from public office

  • 28/12/2018 - The Constitutional Court annuls some sections of Catalan Law 15/2017, on the Cybersecurity Agency of Catalonia, because it invades State prerogatives

  • 28/12/2018 - The Constitutional Court will examine the amparo appeal brought by Serret y Comín against the Supreme Court´s decisions that refused to examine the motion to disqualify Judge Llarena

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