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Press releases

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  • 26/02/2019 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court unanimously resolves to dismiss the motion presented by Junqueras y Romeva to temporarily suspend the decision of the Supreme Court that prevented them from exercising public office

  • 21/02/2019 - The Constitutional Court will examine the amparo appeal filed by the PSC against two resolutions of the bureau of the Parliament of Catalonia that counted the votes cast by certain MPs suspended from their functions

  • 21/02/2019 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court Will examine the amparo appeal brought by Ciudadanos against several resolutions of the bureau of the Catalan Parliament that recorded votes cast by MPs suspended from their office

  • 20/02/2019 - The Constitutional Court will examine the appeal filed by Puigdemont against the decision of the bureau of the Parliament of Catalonia that decided not to count the vote

  • 20/02/2019 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court declares the unconstitutionality of the resolutions of the Parliament of Catalonia that intended to hold de investiture session without the candidate's presence

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