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Press releases

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  • 12/03/2019 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court Will examine the appeal of unconstitutionality brought by the Spanish Ombudsman against art. 58 bis. 1 of the Electoral Law, which allows political parties to collect internet users' political opinions

  • 11/03/2019 - The Plenary of the Constitutional Court has declared the invalidity of a decision rendered by a judge that ignored the primacy of EU law and refused to examine the abusive nature of a contractual clause

  • 05/03/2019 - The Constitutional Court declares that Law 5/2018, which sets out inmediate measures to recover illegally occupied properties, does not infringe the right to the inviolability of the home or the decent housing

  • 04/03/2019 - The Constitutional Court upholds the right to communicate information of a journalist and declares the invalidity of a judgement that convicted him for illicit disclosure of secrets

  • 01/03/2019 - The Constitutional Court rules out, in general terms, the use of hidden cameras for journalistics purposes, considering that it constitutes an illegitimate interference with the rights to privacy and to one's own image

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